Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day coming on Aug 1!
Shall we follow the activity of the Paiwan from the tribe Uljaljau last year that nobody could speak any language other than Paiwan last year?
(And then I'll have to be silent all day round……)
為何每年的 8/1,是原住民族日呢?
由來很簡單,是醬的:以前大家都「山胞」、「山地人」這樣子叫原住民,直到 1990 年代,民族意識抬頭,政府終於在 1997 年第四次修憲時,改稱各位台灣的南島民族捧油為「原住民」,2000 年正式改稱「原住民族」。
為了紀念這一段歷史,於是行政院於 2005 年 6 月召開院會,通過「紀念日及節日實施條例」,宣布每年的 8/1 是「原住民族日」!
往年 8/1 附近,台灣各地許多部落都會發起一些活動,像去年屏東縣來義鄉古樓村的排灣族捧油,就發起「原住民族日,只能說族語」的運動,超嗨的!(我去的話,可以用手語買東西嗎?喵)
今年的 8/1,台北市也將開放全市 20 處場館,讓全國的原住民朋友免費入場...... 啊是說那天又沒有放假,人家要怎麼去呢?
Why it's Aug 1st?
That's simple. Before, the indigenous people used to be called 'xanbao', which means "mountain people" by Taiwanese people. After the advocacy by the indigenous people for years, the government eventually declared that they should be called "the indigenous people" in 1997. Later, the name was changed to "the indigenous peoples" in 2000 to refer to all the Austronesian peoples in Taiwan.
To remember the history, the Executive Yuan declared that Aug 1st every year be the Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Many events have taken place every Aug 1st in many tribes since then. For example, the Paiwan people in Uljaljau decided that everyone should speak Paiwan language only in the village on the Indigenous Peoples' Day last year. (May I use sign language to shop there?)
This year, Taipei City declares that 20 of the museums in the city will open to all the indigenous people for free…… Well well, the problem is, Aug 1st is not a holiday for us, how could we have the opportunity to visit any of them?
Anyway, wish you a Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day! -- And don't forget who you are on the day!
Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day coming on Aug 1!
Shall we follow the activity of the Paiwan from the tribe Uljaljau last year that nobody could speak any language other than Paiwan last year?
(And then I'll have to be silent all day round……)
為何每年的 8/1,是原住民族日呢?
由來很簡單,是醬的:以前大家都「山胞」、「山地人」這樣子叫原住民,直到 1990 年代,民族意識抬頭,政府終於在 1997 年第四次修憲時,改稱各位台灣的南島民族捧油為「原住民」,2000 年正式改稱「原住民族」。
為了紀念這一段歷史,於是行政院於 2005 年 6 月召開院會,通過「紀念日及節日實施條例」,宣布每年的 8/1 是「原住民族日」!
往年 8/1 附近,台灣各地許多部落都會發起一些活動,像去年屏東縣來義鄉古樓村的排灣族捧油,就發起「原住民族日,只能說族語」的運動,超嗨的!(我去的話,可以用手語買東西嗎?喵)
今年的 8/1,台北市也將開放全市 20 處場館,讓全國的原住民朋友免費入場...... 啊是說那天又沒有放假,人家要怎麼去呢?
Why it's Aug 1st?
That's simple. Before, the indigenous people used to be called 'xanbao', which means "mountain people" by Taiwanese people. After the advocacy by the indigenous people for years, the government eventually declared that they should be called "the indigenous people" in 1997. Later, the name was changed to "the indigenous peoples" in 2000 to refer to all the Austronesian peoples in Taiwan.
To remember the history, the Executive Yuan declared that Aug 1st every year be the Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Many events have taken place every Aug 1st in many tribes since then. For example, the Paiwan people in Uljaljau decided that everyone should speak Paiwan language only in the village on the Indigenous Peoples' Day last year. (May I use sign language to shop there?)
This year, Taipei City declares that 20 of the museums in the city will open to all the indigenous people for free…… Well well, the problem is, Aug 1st is not a holiday for us, how could we have the opportunity to visit any of them?
Anyway, wish you a Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day! -- And don't forget who you are on the day!